Name before adoption : Martin
Adoption date : June 2021

I Was acturally little worried about him running away from fear but hearing great news release me. We are so happy that he seems comfortable with walking outside and no accidents in the house. You were just the person we were looking for with good heart and patient aware of rescue dogs and where they from and what their lives like before. I am so happy for MARTIN for his forever family. We wish you both for happiness and good companion to one another. Thank you so much for an update. We will be waiting for more happy news and some photos of happy time if possible. Talk to you soon and take care.

Just wanted to provide you with an update.
We immediately bought him a snuggly fit harness. He is wearing it all times for now, as to not upset him putting it on and off. He thoroughly enjoys being outside and walks so well on a leash. He has not had any accidents in the house. Both cats have visited with him(from a distance). He is so calm that I am certain it won’t take long for them to get acquainted. He follows me from room to room but does not want to have much contact just yet. I must thank you for this amazing gift. He is absolutely wonderful. I will follow up in a couple of days unless there is an issue. With much thanks.

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